Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tourism and Departures

My final day in Michigan is lulling through a quiet afternoon. Claire is napping before she has to go in for a short shift at work, and everyone else is out and about.

The offer was thrown out for me to go to the office with "Jack" today, and I really wanted to, but it would have conflicted with our other plans. Jack is interning for the Joe Knollenberg campaign, he's running for Senate I think. I don't remember if it's state or National. Republican or not I really think it would have been fun to go there. At least I know that I have my own campaigns to get back to when I get home.

I think working with campaigns would be a good thing for me to do. Even though most of it is with volunteers, couldn't I make a career in telling the volunteers what to do? The Camp Wellstone people said that campaigns are the best thing to have on a resume, and you can get jobs real quick that way. I am not exactly where the DFL head quarters are in Minneapolis, but I definitely want to get involved with that while in college. Especially if I end up staying down there in the summer (!) then I could work a sweet waitressing job by night, and work for my cause by day.

Who knows how I'll feel by next summer.

I almost feel that by blogging I am being unfaithful to the boy. Where I used to think, "I can't wait to write to him about this" I now think, "This will be perfect for my blog!" I'll still write him. It's just that now it's almost as if my interpersonal energies are being spread too thin. I remember talking to the counselor, probably the beginning of Senior year, and expressing my feelings of being on my own, and not wanting to burden others with my fickle troubles. Our only conclusion was that I journal. I wrote letters to someone for a while, but when that stopped I went back to Journaling. I've always written to Claire, and then Visser, now Rita and the boy... It feels GOOD to have people to write to, to use as journals, but now the blog? Again, it feels good to have something like this, but knowing that I am baring my soul for a countless number of people, on top of my trusted confidants... IN STEAD of them... What is going to happen? Perhaps the feeling will pass.

Anyway, now that I am done being reflective, I will talk about my day. I am sitting at the kitchen counter, drinking lemonade and just thinking about how wonderful this trip has been, and how sad I am to leave. Back to my real life, which I love, but is so different. Back to work, back to financial aid headaches, awkward roommate phone calls, cleaning, sorting, packing...

I'm going to miss just sitting around sipping lemonade.

Yesterday, Amanda took me and Isabelle to downtown Detroit to visit the Motown museum. I am so thankful that she did that because otherwise I would have just said, "Naw, I'll just hang out here and write letters while Claire works" Which, no doubt would have been pleasant, but I would have missed out on the excitement. Having never seen Detroit up close-while paying attention- simply driving through the neighborhoods was exciting. We drove past block after block of huge old houses, mansions almost, with barred windows, and peeling paint. It was awesome! I imagined the lives that must occur in those houses, I thought of the photographs, the family dinners, the hardships. Even though it was what could be considered a "ghetto" I wanted to be part of those lives.

When we got to the museum, it was simply two houses connected together, and it seemed small. We figured we'd just go in and browse, but after paying our admissions we were directed to a video room, and then we had a guided tour! It was great! I've never been "into" Motown, but how could I ignore Michael Jackson, The Supremes, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Marvin Gaye and the Temptations (Especially as a Radio Dj!)

I've decided that I want to learn more about Stevie Wonder, and Marvin Gaye. Maybe I will write a report on them... not that I ENJOY writing papers... ha.ha.... no... Just... you know... whatever... I watched part of a thing on Marvin Gaye on PBS, or it might have just been on while was doing other things so I know that he was killed at a young age... by his father? At the museum I learned that he was dangerously good looking, and couldn't dance.

After the museum we went to Greek Town and ate at "The Pegasus." I've never had straight up Greek food, nothing more than art fair Gyros and Salads. We ordered a couple platters so we experienced all kinds of food. I especially liked the lamb, as it was very tender. It kind of reminded me of the Jamaican food at Thanksgiving. As I ate it, I imagined that I was a Spartan warrior, camped out around a fire with my fellow soldiers, eating our stewed lamb and rice. Was it Spartan Women that were bad ass? I remember learning about it in History this year, between Athens and Sparta; in one the women were pretty much slaves, and in the other they could beat you up... I'm pretty sure the latter was Sparta. Anyway, that's what I pretended I was.

When Claire got home we went to Birmingham and to an Independent movie theater, where we watched, "Tell No One" a French Film with English Subtitles. Isabelle was in her glory! For once it was US who had to read the subtitles! Though the movie felt long in the middle, it was really good. Isabelle told us that the director is very beautiful, and loved. He was in the movie in a small roll as the pervert son of a rich Horse breeder... There were SO many levels in the film, were it a book, I know that I would be up in the wee hours of the morning, biting my fingernails and freaking out. One of the previews advertised a movie called "Brick Lane" which is based off a book. It is set in India and I want to read it.

Today we went out to Tea. It was delightful. The tea I had was Irish tea, and then I had a bacon and broccoli Quishe, which was delicious. We all tried on cool hats and pretended to be Victorian. I loved it.

I said good bye to Grandma today, and that was sad.

It's so sad that Isabelle is going home, and I am bummed that I have to get ready to go too.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am Freaking Awesome... Just look at my flair board

Today my friends, was a good day, so good, that it deserves to be written about in Purple.

Maybe even bold purple.

There we go.


To begin my fabulous day, I slept in far too late, took a delightful shower and then departed with Claire to Ann Arbor. Originally, we had wanted to go to the DIA, the Detroit Institute of Art, but it was CLOSED. Still feeling museumy, we decided to check out what there was in Ann Arbor. First we thought we'd go to the Children's hands on museum, but it looked too childish... and hands on... maybe someday. It inspired me to want to go to the Science Museum in Minnesota. We then continued our walk around Ann Arbor, stopping at a coffee shop, some bookstores and Urban Outfitters. We spent a good 40 minutes at Urban Outfitters looking at their books.

Would you rather: Be able to paint like Picasso, but smell strongly of raspberries, or be able to Compose like Mozart and have to wear super tight 80s pants?

I chose Mozart, but claire would rather smell like Raspberries. What could be better than sweet Composing skills and tight pants? I do not know.

Some other cool books they had included a "Wreck this Journal" and on each page it instructed you on how to wreck the journal (woah!) Pour coffee here, draw an angry scribble here, tear this page out, have someone destroy this page, draw a line while in motion... I thought it was great, and it would provide me with hours of fun. As would the doodle book, which provided you a start to a doodle, and instructed you on how to complete it: one bee, "Draw a swarm" a kid plugging his nose, "What smells" Does that not sound like fun? I think so.

Hours of fun.

We finally did come across the museum that I THINK was part of the University, but the real one was under construction, so it was just a small building with photographs. It was neat though, because the exhibit was from a photographer who took pictures in Mexico and California circa 1950. They used digital dye some how to make the pictures colored. Perhaps it doesn't sound so cool, but in my mind the 1950s were in black in white; everyone wore grey, duh! They also had some neat things in their gift shop.

Onward then we trudged, inspired by a "Drink Coca-Cola" Sign from one of the photos, we set out seeking an Ice Cold Coke. After going in a circle, we found Main street, and stopped at an Irish Pub for Coke. The Most Delicious Coke, I might add. We sat outside and observed a man who was reading a book. People watching is a great sport.

Finally, tired, hot, and blistered, we returned to Nathan's apartment. "Chingy" was there, and though I was frustrated with his behavior, Claire was surprizingly calm.

Luke Called and we decided to meet in Novi for dinner. I love Luke, he is spectacular, but being that I am socially inept around those I admire I was quite a downer... It was still enjoyable.

En Route, Ben (Auggie! Woot!) Texted me asking if I got my roomming assignments. It drove me wild. I called home, and talked to my mother, and told her to get the mail. She said that she would and call me back... AFTER DINNER I called her and asked what was up and she hadn't even gone to the mail box yet!!! INSANE!

I nearly hyperventillated. The anticipation was exhilarating. Kind of like when you have a crush on someone, so you stalk them, and they haven't a clue...

Or not... that's creepy.

I knew that all I could possibly find out was her name, and that doesn't say much... so I was contemplating, "Tiffany... Angela... Britney...Courtney..." Nothing against those names of course, it's just that in my mind they bear negative connotations. If you have one of those names, I bestow upon you the responsibility to redeem them.

Anyway... I called my mother back, and she told me the following information:

Urness Room 103.

FIRST FLOOR! Move in day is going to be so swell... unless of course "1" actually means the 11th floor. Then I would be sad. How many floors does Urness even have? Oh dear. Auntie Faye also said that the first floor wouldn't be good either because I'll have creepers at my window. Eek!

And My Room mate: Foua Thor. She doesn't even have facebook, so I know naught a thing about her! I e-mailed her, but because I only heard her e-mail over the phone, I don't know if it's correct. I also have her phone number, but I am going to save the awkward phone conversation until it becomes very urgent. We're going to have to go shopping, and plan, and OOH! IT's so exciting. I will get more gung ho once I get home.

I think "Gung Ho" means team work... but... it seems appropriate.

So there. That is my fabulous day. Once we got home we have both been lame just sitting here on facebook... though I must say it was nice talking to Josh... via facebook ofcourse. Now... Now we still sit... running our batteries low...

X-Men is Rented, and though it's late, I do hope I can finally get my Wolverine fix after my whole experience at camp!

Oh, and by the way, Check out my flair board. It really is awesome.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back from Camp and not creative enough to think of a proper title

I don't know how much time I will have to post, but I will make do with what I can. (Make due?)

Today we returned nearly unscathed from Summer Camp 2008.
Swollen cheek bone under right eye from being nailed in the face during Megabox wars. I suppose things like that are to be expected when you put a refridgerator box over your head and try to run across a tarp covered in water and slippery gel... ah yes...
Sore knees from bending them during our AMAZING cheer. That's pretty lame... but my knees do hurt a lot.
Sunburned nose
Sore Bloodvessle in skull from an ill placed migraine which attacked during the service yesterday
and Finally... A bruised hip bone from walking into a hand rail.

Camp was fun, though I really wish I would have been able to meet more people. I kind of felt as if I was stuck in Claire's little friend group, and there were a lot of people I would have liked to have met.

In the great battle of Heroes and Villians, I was placed on the Mighty Wolverines team. I was very thrilled with that because I love X-Men, and Wolverine is my favorite. We took Fifth place, but I think we were the coolest team... too bad we didn't perform well.

I shall be returning to Minnesota in but a few short days. Right now we are going to the basement to watch the Notebook. I first saw the Notebook in Theaters here in Michigan, so it will be nice and nostalgic, not to mention a great movie to begin with.

I think I updated my phone plan to include unlimited texts, but if that doesn't work I am going to most definitely go over this month especially since this boy named BEN keeps texting me... Nothing against him of course, I text him back...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good Vibrations


Wasn't as exciting as yesterday, though it was still pleasant. Although I had vowed to NOT be a lazy bum, staying in bed far too long day dreaming, I didn't emerge from my repose until eleven, Just in time to go to lunch.

We met Grandma, or "G-ma" as Claire claims the kids are saying these days, and Auntie Faye at Subway.

Then we went to the beach. We somehow got lost a little, and ended up going to a different beach, but it was still good. I basked. As I basked I read a significant portion of "Tuesdays with Morrie" which is a fantastic book. I had heard many things about it, but I'd never taken the suggestions seriously. Even when I first started it I was a bit skeptical thinking, "Silly sports writer wants to be sentimental..." But OH! It is great. I will probably finish it tonight, and I will probably sob my eyes out.

Next I am going to start Alan's copy of Shutter Babe, and if I keep up this pace, I'll have it finished by the time I get home! But I don't know if I can keep up this pace... Claire reads all the time, and she already finished a book she picked up from the library the day I got here. It makes me feel slow and dimwitted. Therefore I am inspired to read, Read, READ! It has been working out. I miss the Woodpecker...


I was also able to write a page or so of a letter today, so that was satisfying.

I don't know what else we are going to do tonight. We will probably resign to watching movies again... like we have every night so far. I don't mind.

Claire went for a walk... I opted to be lazy and stay on the computer.

Tomorrow at 4 we go to Camp.

To be honest I am terrified.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Give Me Liberty!

We went to the Henry Ford Museum today, and being a seething history geek I just about ruptured some vital internal organs.

I should try to figure out how to get pictures on here, because I have a picture of myself standing NEXT TO the car that Kennedy was riding when he was shot. What surprized me was that after that Johnson and Nixon went on to ride in the same car. There were also cars ridden in by Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, AND Franklin D. Roosevelt. Do you feel it? Do you feel the Powergasm?


We went on then to an exhibit on America. They had a desk attributed to THOMAS JEFFERSON, A letter written by Benedict Arnold, letters of volunteers into the Continental army, The CHAIR that Lincoln was in the night that he was shot. (Two Morrises signed the Declaration of Independence, Robert, and Lewis. I knew about Robert. It's funny too though that my Uncle's name is Robert Lewis, he obviously had a different father than my daddy... but Robert Lewis... Robert Morris, Lewis Morris... amusing? yes?) That exhibit then morphed into a civil rights display as the history moved into the Civil war and beyond.

Two things that I found especially moving were the KKK costume, and a photograph of civil rights protestors. I've seen pictures, and read stories about the Ku Klux Klan, but never have I been so... close. It was there, and it was probably actually used. I could barely look at it, it made me sick! And the Photograph. It was simple, six or so people all holding hands, a working black man, some black women, a tall white man in a suit, holding hands and singing. Then underneath the picture you could push a button and hear the protest songs. I pushed "We shall overcome." Hearing that, and looking at the picture nearly made me cry.

I went INSIDE the Rosa Parks bus.

There was more on the Women's sufferage movement, but somehow I missed that. I saw some buttons (HOORAY BUTTONS!) featuring the feminist symbol (the female sign, a circle with the cross-thing underneath it, and a fist in the middle) There were also some Lesbian power buttons, but considering my company that was awkward.

At the end there was a freedom wall with post-it notes to write your opinions on things like, "What does freedom mean?" and "What are some threats to freedom?"

In regards to the latter, I read the following:

Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama- don't vote 4 them

I didn't write anything... I was tempted... oh how I was tempted

Then we ate chocolate and came back to Northville.

Upon returning home I received a delightful TEN PAGE letter in the mail.

Now it's dinner time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Political Restlessness

I don't have much to say, I am still in Michigan, and Claire is working, but a door knocker just came up to the front door and I answered it. He handed me a flyer and fled, but it has left me restless.

"Marc Corriveau, State Representative" Michigan of course. He's the Democratic Incumbant, and I guess his head quarters are only a couple blocks from here. Oh how I want to just run down there and say, "I'll Help! I'll door knock! I know I'm from Minnesota, but please, let me fight for you!"
I can't wait to get back to Minnesota, even though I am going to be over worked and exhausted, I CAN'T WAIT!
I think the door knocker fled because there is a John McCain yard sign out front. I would have liked to have had a conversation. It would have been pointless though... unfortunate.
Tim Faust needs a facebook.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

In the Land of the Tigers...

I am almost certain that I have already created a blogger account... but I went through all the steps today to make a new one. It took longer than expected because it kept telling me that I needed to re-enter my desired password.


ANYWAY! I am really excited to start blogging, and there is SOOOOO much I want to say.

My Soar session ended yesterday, and it was amazing. I am officially an Auggie now, and it feels great. My classes are World Politics, Modern Civilization, Band, and my Honors course of Christian Vocation and the search for meaning. On Tuesdays I can sleep in until 1pm if I want to, but if I am responsible, I'll start using those snazzy "Work out" stickers for Tuesday mornings. If I could move in right now, I would.

I can't wait to move my stuff into my dorm, hang up my posters, organize my desk, meet my roommate... I've already started writing in my planner... I love planners.

I feel like I am really sounding like a goon... writing these things because I'm SUPPOSED to write them, but that's not true, because I really am excited.

Right now I am in Michigan, visiting my Aunt, and Uncle, and my Lovely Cousins. We go to a camp put on by their church next wednesday, and until then we are just going to hang out and have a swell time watching movies and eating freeze pops, just like many summers past.

The disney channel is on right now, I am getting annoyed by it's silly laugh track played for the stupid jokes. ... The poor little girl is running for class president against a really popular girl! It's hopeless. :(

Hmmm... this is not a great blog... maybe not even good, but it's a start I suppose. I just couldn't wait!