Since I have only one loyal follower, and they want to hear about my Holidays, here's my post about the Holidays.
For me, they began a couple weeks ago when the Corps ended. On Thursday and Friday I was up at the Audobon Center in Sandstone. It was fun, but over all seemed like another All Corps experience. I had to work that Friday night, but I still made it to the end of the after party. I didn't cry.
The next day, I worked at the Mall. I also had a hangover. I've only had a couple real bad hang overs. Soon, I'm going to have to stop saying that... You see, I had rum. Lots of rum-in the delicious form of egg-nog- and beer, and maybe some more beer.
Oh yeah! Meg came over after the party, we sat on my bed and looked at my dead animal parts collection. It was magical, and I'm really glad she appreciated.
Anyway, I wanted the Corps to go out with a bang, but it simply ended, and I kept working. One of the biggest things I learned with the Corps has been work-ethic. I have always had a strong sense of responsibility, but in the work world I've found it really easy to get bored and simply quit. So far that hasn't had bad consequences, but the Corps has offered a sense of the greater goal. Yeah, I have to work 10 hours at the fucking Mall of America. Yeah, I have to do it three days in a row, but then I'll pay rent and other stupid bills to stay in my pretty nice house with a great roommate, and maybe I'll go get a burger and brown ale at Merlin's. Hell yeah.
Or some Grainbelts in Dinky Town. Which I did on the 18th. In addition to the Facebook invite, I received a personal invite from an accordion playing Renaissance acquaintance. I'd seen his band play before, notably this last Halloween, which was a great time, so I put it on my calendar and eagerly anticipated. I went, and I danced, and I smoked cigarettes on the patio and made friends and then we went back to his place for more celebrations, and we talked about Beethoven and it was lovely... and again, I ended up going to work hung over, and later missing Cock Tail practice. :(
In contradiction to prior posts, this still isn't the year I go to Arizona. However, I spoke with Sleazy Bleise the other day, and he's not even going out there until March. So what's to say I won't get a job with St. Paul Parks slated for April and quit the mall in March? Go on a vacation. Follow my Mom's advice. If not, oh well. I'll keep trying.
Which reminds me of another holiday I celebrated: The Solstice!
It happened last week, on the 21st. I went to The Dregs Christmas show at a bar Down Town with Matt from the giant Chess Board. It was great. They did parodies of holiday songs, including, "4 fucking birds, 3 fucking birds, two more fucking birds and a fucking bird in a pear tree!" And finally calling out "Baby, It's Cold Outside" for the date rape anthem that it is...
Wait. Can we talk about that? How there was definitely a stink about Robin Thicke's, "Blurred Lines" this summer, yet every year we put, "Baby it's cold out side so let me clearly disregard that No means no" On repeat in every institution? Bull shit.
So at the Dregs I drank beer. I had one before Matt arrived, and JUST as he got there, the drunk bro next to me was about to chat me up, which could have easily lead to free drinks... but Matt came and helped me avoid the awkward... even if it could have meant free beer. Then I had some more beer. Then the great and beautiful Anna arrived. Anna who always sees me at the BLT in the height of my drunken glory... or in her booth... making out with her brother.
One time at the BLT, I bowed down in worship to her. Like actually on my knees. She's wonderful and everyone loves her, and even though I know I'm hot shit, I feel gawky and boyish around her. Well, she offered to cut my hair... and like... hang out... omg. This will keep me from making rash hair decisions, for one, and for another we get to be friends!!!
I owe her brother a letter.
The holiday after that was Christmas itself. I could have gone up to Duluth on Monday, but there's some family drama there, so I stayed home and did laundry. On Christmas Proper, Aunt Beth picked me up and we had brunch at their house. They gave me a little notebook for my thoughts, and a book of an interview Foucault did in 1968 about how writing comes out of your own death... or something. It's him speaking on writing, which is really cool. I can't wait to start.
I gave them a cookie from the first and last tree I cut with the Corps.
Now we're here. Is tomorrow already New Year's Eve? I want to go to Merlin's for a burger... but if I'm going to be there tomorrow... TOMORROW?! I have a gig with the Cock Tails and Bitter Mash Boys, but since I've missed the last few practices I might have to sit out a lot. I'll still corset up, and I practiced the other day and wasn't even that bad. This next weekend is a Morris Twelfth Night party... and then... it's just the bleak midwinter.
Maybe I'll straighten up.