Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Grown Up

Here's to hoping that a quick blog post will get my juices flowing so I can finish JUST ONE of my Minnesota Historical Society applications. I know it's all part of the bureaucratic process... weed out the unworthy, blah blah blah... but really.

Each application requires the MHS standard paperwork, as well as the supplemental application for the site, the availability forms, consent waivers, a resume and a cover letter. I'm looking at eleven pages of work for one app... and this is just the one I really want. There are others.

So I drank some Tequila.

If I just drink the Jameson, I'll finish it, and I'm not THAT rude of a house guest.

You see, I'm house sitting. This gig entails throwing wood into stoves every few hours, talking to cats, eating pineapple, and watching Netflix. Pretty standard. Today, in chatting with me mum, we decided that I could make a career of this shit. I love animals, and I love pretending to be a grown up. What better way than by infiltrating the very homes of the grown ups, eating their grown up food, and enjoying their grown up luxuries. All while not constrained by the suffering that is also being a grown up. WOOO!