Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dungeons and Dragons and Dishonorable Decisions


I don't feel well.

I attribute it to the Dungeons and Dragons all nighter I pulled last night after eating nothing (still haven't) but potato chips, candy bars and energy drinks in at least a day. I feel lousy.


Tony, Ray, Donnie, Nicole and Sara were over last night, and though we only completed two battles, we were up all night. I was sick and tired (literally) and just wanted to go to bed... but I was the hostess... grumble grumble... Jw Called around Six am, and Nicole said it was bad of me to talk to him the way I did because of my current situation with another marvelous boy... but that's a whole other realm of sorrows.

I wish that I would have had a full night of sleep, and that I would have woken up before 1pm feeling refreshed so that I could have actually done things today! But no... I am exhausted, hungry and loopy and this day is entirely wasted.

At least this time at the library I actually figured out how to get on the internet. Now I can do some of the things I've been meaning to do.

Yesterday, I meant to get transcripts, but I only talked to Mrs. Erickson. I'm going to miss her room, but it doesn't belong to the class of 2008 anymore. It's always weird to reflect upon how life still goes on even when you're not a part of it. There's a new senior class, and Mrs. Erickson will lead them through the same drills she lead us, as she has and continues to do. The smell of fresh floor wax, paper, and simply "school" strikes so many nostalgic chords. I almost started crying as I walked past the gyms, the concession stand, the doors to the theater. Hallways that are so common... so familiar... but not part of me. Like seeing an old friend after years of estrangement. You remember them with fondness, but you know that you can never be what you were...

"If I cross your path again, who knows where, who knows when? On some morning without number or some highway with out end, don't grasp my hand and say, 'Fate has brought you here today' fate is only foolin' with us friends..." (Richard Thompson, "Keep Your Distance." )

Sara Cried this morning when she left. Only a little... but it's intense. TEN YEARS we've been together, best friends, peas and carrots, rarely ever seeing one without the other... and now, in just one day she's going to be miles upon miles away. Six years with Nicole, and she too will be out of my life. We've NEVER been apart!

Blogging was on my list of things to do today... at least I'm getting SOMETHING done. "Eating Food" is on there too, I can't wait to accomplish that. I'm going to go to subway, and I'm going to get a delicious sandwich and EAT IT ALL! it's really exciting.

My bones are showing. Not because I want them to, it's just that I forget to eat. I've been told that's a horrible excuse and that there really is something wrong with me, it's just that when I get going eating is not prime on my to do list.

I wish I would have had the motivation to clean my room and put things in boxes. Ben said that he and I are probably the only people on the planet who haven't packed yet. It's probably true. When am I going to? After phone banking tonight, I'll do my laundry, and then maybe do an all out dresser cleaning, only instead of putting things back in, I'll but them in boxes... but I also need to call Josh, and it will be hard to multi-task.

Nicole asked how I can find the motivation to phone bank, and that was a bit surprizing, because I think it's the coolest thing ever (after door knocking ;)) She's so different from me. How does she find the motivation to clean her room, and hug people?


Last Phone bank tonight, and Tomorrow (TOMORROW?!) I'm going down to the State Fair with Tim Faust to volunteer at the DFL booth. I'm going to wear my Camp Wellstone T-shirt, and all the buttons I've collected :D well... maybe not all of them, but at least the ones that are significant. I can't believe that's tomorrow already! When I get home me and my people are going to go out to eat at the On the Way. I 'm going to miss that place! Then it's two more days of packing and working.

Today's a beautiful day to sit out side in shorts playing guitar... too bad I only got 10 minutes of that in today.

Off to other things now. I still feel lousy.

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