Sunday, February 22, 2009

Simple things make us happy...

Well, it is almost two o'clock on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. BEAUTIFUL.

Last night, I didn't get back to my room until 4am, and I promptly fell asleep. This morning I was awakened by my mom texting me at ten. I didn't mind. I called my mom, told her about my day yesterday, and then, I got down to business.

First, I drug my computer into my bed, and watched the most recent episode of Ugly Betty. My parents had really hyped it up, and though it was AMAZING, it wasn't entirely worth their hype. Some of it was also lost on me because I haven't been caught up. Betty Suarez really is my hero. In this episode, she discovered what it really meant to be a "fashion girl" and she saw that it is not a terrible thing that she found herself at Mode.

The title of the episode was "There's No Place Like Mode" and there was a shot of her clicking her heels. That made me happy.

When that episode finished, I was bubbling with the excitement of the heel clicking symbology, which meant I was ready for Sunday morning phase two.

I put on some sweat pants, and my favorite weekend shirt (Barack Obama!)and went down to Coopers for a lunch. After this exciting weekend, I felt SO happy to be here. To be walking in these sky ways, in my weekend clothes, it was beautiful. Especially after seeing all the new faces yesterday, and wishing them the best of luck in the hours that will change their lives... My life was changed last year, and here I am! HERE I AM!


I brought MY food back to MY room, and crawled up into MY bed. I set up my computer again, and clicked on Lost episode Six, "316." This is when I got even happier.

I got caught up yesterday afternoon, but I saved the last episode for today. Because I was so behind, I didn't take notes, though I kind of wish I would have... My Honors training is having a hay day with Lost.

**Caution** Light Spoilers

1) "Why is the episode titled, '316?'" Those aren't the numbers! 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42... It is ALWAYS those numbers... 316 has no place! ...wait... wait... those numbers are important... I've heard them before... Ok, so the Oceanic 6 are getting on flight 316... !!! JOHN 3:16!!! Squee!
I whip out my Good News Bible and...
"For God so loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life."

I know that I am not reading too deeply into this. Groven said that in life things happen, but in art, NOTHING is by accident. I've been paying attention. I saw the painting of Thomas the Apostle before they pointed it out, I stopped and said, "Why?" So a question pertaining to something as obvious as the episode TITLE is not crazy at all. Jack Shephard is going back to the Island. He is sacrificing himself. He is giving HIS life,just like John Locke gave his, so that the others can live eternally on the island. ... "John?" At first I thought that it was Jack sacrificing... but now I say "Duh" because it's JOHN. JOHN 3:16!

2) Shoes. A couple weeks ago in Liberating Letters, We discussed the story of Cinderella and the glass slippers. We discussed how shoes could be a symbol of the soul. Walking a few miles in other people's shoes... Shoes fit people specially etc. Jack took his father's (Christian's) Shoes and put them on John's body. Again, all Daniel's mother said was to give John something of his father's, the fact that it was a pair of SHOES is no coincidence.

3) JOSEPH CAMPBELL'S HERO ARCHETYPE! HAHAHA! (let me crawl off my bed and get my Liberating Letters folder...!!!!... back)


It follows the structure exactly!!!

A. Call to Adventure.
Ben: "Jack, Go back to the Island. They need you."

B. Refusal to Call
Jack: "No."

C. Supernatural Aid
Daniel's Mother. The shoes. The fancy Island finder room. Ben. Jacob. Jin's wedding ring. John's letter, "I wish you would have believed me."

D. Crossing the First Threshold
Jack accepting his duty, getting on the plane.

E. The Belly of the Whale
Crashing Plane. Back on the Island.

I could go on...

Goddess: Kate
Temptress: Kate?


Ok. I need to stop... BUT I CAN'T! Rescue from without, MASTER OF TWO WORLDS, Refusal of return, Magic Flight, RESSURECTION...

Gotta stop gotta stop.

So many layers... this analysis was just for Jack as the Hero. What about John? Ben? Kate?

Deep breath.

Sorry about that rant. I hope someone will understand.

1 comment:

Mnemosyne said...

I understand, but I despise. Joseph Campbell is my enemy.