Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer 2009 in Review

These days are numbered.
Mmmm, the romance in sitting alone in the living room, eating fruit from the can, and crunchy white rice, doused in soy sauce swiped from the Mall food court. I stayed in bed until 11am. It's afternoon. It's day. It's Summer.

Colin leaves for Prague tomorrow morning, and tonight we are having a going away party for him in the park. Then he's gone. Just four months though. However, considering what the last 4 months held, that might be a big deal.

Then on Friday I start my job at the State Fair. I went in for Orientation yesterday, and it looks like it will be a strenuous, yet bearable 2 weeks, and by the end, I'll have my books paid for.

So Lily, what have you learned in your first summer on your own?

I've had 4 jobs. 2 days as an Environmental canvasser. 2 months as a Mall custodian. A weekend as Art Fair help, and now a cashier at the Minnesota State Fair.

Jobs are a skeleton of what else went on.

I am living the starving college student ideal! I know I have said that before... but really... It has been stressful, and hard, but It's perfect! Being a truly poor college student isn't something you can fake, and it makes everything better.

I made friends! As I embark on Fall Semester 2009, I feel like I have some kind of home base here at Augsburg. I have people. I have people to spend time with, and to talk to. I really hope that it's not superficial.

I've Adventured!

I've made bad decisions.

I've learned stuff about myself that makes sense... even if it is a bit discouraging.

And now, I am ready to go back to Augsburg as it was last year. To take it back for what it really is. I can NOT wait to start my classes. My books look phenomenal, and I can't wait to start discussing them! AH!

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