Friday, January 15, 2010

Rainforest Action

I tried to make a quick post yesterday, but for some reason the library computer I was on wouldn't let me get on to google.

Maybe google was down.

Anyway, what inspired me yesterday was my progress on my Nicaragua final project.

I am hoping to become involved with the Rainforest Action Network in fighting against local corporations who take part in massive levels of deforestation, which not only contributes to climate change, but threatens indigenous rights.

I emailed a friend about help with organization, and then I emailed the RAN leader from right here in Minneapolis. She hasn't replied yet, but I feel empowered regardless. Depending on the suggestions she might have, I am thinking about hosting an event on campus to raise awareness about this issue, and the local perpetrators. I have never done anything like this before, and if it happens, it could be life altering.


Visser said...

YAY for rainforestness

Jess said...

Lily- this is awesome and I'm really glad you're getting involved. Not enough is being done to save the rain forest, hence the trouble it is in. You're right that this could be the start of a life-changing journey into fighting for a cause that is truly important. Clearly what you want to do is to make real change, so my unsolicited advice is this: find clear goals, and research organizations that actually achieve those goals. I'm a big fan of World Land Trust, because they raise money to buy land that they put back into the hands of the local people to preserve and care for. The end product is land preservation. RAN does a lot of good things, but not all of it is rain forest. Obviously also very worthy causes, so if you find these strike you, go for it. I have a hard time with "awareness" because by and large people are aware that we need to preserve land. The challenge is motivating them to do something about it. On the other hand, info about very specific situations and steps needed can be very helpful. So, decide what you want your impact to be tangibly, and shoot for that. Keep up the good work! See you on the front lines :)

Miss Tanya said...

Congrats. It's great that you are getting involved and doing your part to make the world a better place!

Let me know how it turns out for you. I am a student too, and it would be interesting to hear how people go about getting involved in projects such as these :)

Jessie said...

I think if there were more people like you, the world could change for the better. I hope your life is greatly impacted by your passion

Visser said...

you rock

Looking Best for the Dress said...

Hi! I started a new blog to document my weight loss journey. Since I want to be brutally honest, I've kept it anonymous - therefore can't invite my friends to read it. I'm looking for some followers so I have a little support in this. Check out my blog if you'd like! :)