Thursday, October 14, 2010

Study Break

Taking a quick study break to share how great it feels to sit down to a project-In this case discussion notes and a book review of "A Voyager Out: The Life of Mary Kingsley" by Katherine Frank- and not have to think about ALL the other things I need to do, and just work.

I haven't even finished the book, but I feel good about my abilities, I have my discussion plotted out, and even though the Review part will be time consuming, I think I will be able to scrape that together in time too.

It is nice. People who I vent my frustrations to tell me that I need to find a place in my school work where I can really just ENJOY myself, and not worry about other things or people. All this time I've spent WORRYING about getting things done, and getting good grades, which then makes me start hating school, and even History... But then, to sit down over a good text, underline, organize, plot and analyze without thinking of time or "priorities," Wow.

I WILL do poorly on my Biology and French quizzes tomorrow, but I don't even mind if I can just turn this project IN. :)

Last night, I hung out with some people for a couple hours, and then when Erica and I returned to our room, we both stayed up until two. I scheduled my next week, and sent some important emails, but I also watched a whole episode of That 70s Show, because it has been a while, and really is at its best when enjoyed at odd hours.

I remember a time last summer, when I stayed up ALL night watching it, and then went for a run as the sun rose. Mmmm.

After I went to bed, I received a text message from an intriguing new person, who I met up with today.

Because I was up so late, I went to sleep after my 8am class, slept until 12:30, and didn't do anything but wile the way the hours on facebook until brass chamber. Then Jazz band, then RENDEVOUS.

Returned here after 6, shared my adventure with Hillary, and have since been in the Suite working away.

Going home tomorrow.

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