13 days ago, I embarked from this very room on a grand adventure.
I have since traversed the country to its lengthy Pacific Coast, and faced the conditions in the untamed North.
Now, what a wonder it is to be relaxing safe in my Mortensen apartment, with a big bowl of soup and rice cooling, and a mug of tasty tea steeping... clocks ticking, interstate humming. I can wear light, comfortable clothing, and bare feet without having to worry about getting my feet wet or dirty. The clutter is my clutter, and easily managed. OH! It is good to be back.
Los Angeles High Lights:
On Friday when I was on my own to explore Hollywood, I got off the metro and walked the wrong way all the way to some place called "Mount Olympus" where Hollywood Avenue ended! I should have figured that the expansive blocks of apartment buildings would not have yielded Amoeba Music and hip coffee shops... After finding Hollywood, and walking the right way, I really enjoyed perusing, and when Nathan caught up with me, we had warm drinks and figured I walked an extra 3 miles.
Every Museum we went to was great. I saw Van Gogh's Irises, two seascapes by Turner, a small Frida and some big Diego Riveras. I also saw some Andy Warhols. A whole room full in fact... and even though I don't hold his art too close to my heart, it was still a fine experience to see some of the originals of the posters and stamps that have made their way into pop culture common place. I saw some really clothing on display, and have decided that a fun out fit to have would be that of a French Man in the 1700s. I think the the long coat, fitted vest, and pants that buttoned around my knees would be very fetching.
After getting supplies at the farmers market, Nathan (my cousin, who I was visiting) made a delicious dinner and we watched one of the Christmas gifts he got his friend.
In n Out Burger and its delicious healing powers. YUM!
Lots of good food as a matter of fact! Thai the first night, an Ethiopian lunch (we ate with our fingers!) Fish Tacos, and blueberry cheese cake from, "The House of Pies."
A completely deserted (except for some kelp...) Venice Beach. I got my picture taken with the faithful umbrella. Wet feet.
One night, because Nathan's friend got a gift certificate for christmas, he took us out to a movie at the Arc Light Theater, which is big and fancy. We saw "The King's Speech." Both I, and Nate's friend Colin dozed off a little... At least I had the excuse of that being the day I walked too much. THe movie wasn't bad at all.
Our last full day included the In n Out Burger, Huntington Library and Museum, a visit to Occidental College near dark, a stop at "Inteligencia" coffee for warm drinks and Hipster watching, a stop at the Observatory, the fish tacos, pie, naps, and finally a visit to the "Upright Citizen's Brigade" theater for star studded comedy.
I think the Huntington was my favorite, probably because they wooed me right off the bat with their 17th century globes, John Locke notes, and original Audobon illustrations. The gardens were beautiful too, if wet and hurried.
Inteligencia was Nathan's surefire hipster zone. He promised I'd see some, and he did not let me down. I had been expecting to see lots of California hipsters, but until that night, they had remained quite hidden to avoid the rain. My hot chocolate tasted weird. Like it might have been enjoyed by the Aztecs centuries ago, but not by me with my Swiss Miss Sensibilities.
I had never had a fish taco before, and Nathan told me that the place we went could very well be the best place to get fish tacos. Pretty good!
The Observatory was windy, wet and cold, but the view was amazing. Worthy stop.
And then, the next day, we got a Japanese lunch, and then went to the Airport. Nathan's flight left at 1, but mine wasn't until 6. I could have stayed behind and checked out down town, but by then I was weary and soggy enough to just go with and wait. I like airports. I read, wrote letters, got McDonalds and had a right swell time.
I got sad when Nathan left. We didn't talk much, but I account that to us still being of a different age. Where I hung out with Claire, Nathan was always her big brother, and big brothers are sometimes kept at a distance, especially by little girls. I hope that our relationship will continue to blossom in the years to come. It won't even be a whole year before I see him again! Hooray family weddings!
My mom picked me up from the air port and drove straight home, where I spent the rest of my time until now. Home is wonderful, but I am delighted to be back.
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