Monday, July 25, 2011

Future Lily seeks 3 Roommates to Share First Home

6 Months from now, I will be searching for apartments I could actually live in, right now, I am just exploring, and dreaming.

To you, unknowing three, we could all live in a red house at the bend of the Mississippi. We'd have a yard, a porch, and even front steps. Hardwood floors, cedar paneling, and even "interesting" tile work in the bathroom. We can have pets, if Kraken counts as a pet... we could even have a cat, bunny, chinchilla or two! Provided we pay a reasonable deposit.

Four bedrooms would mean one for each of us, and there would be lots of extra space to furnish.

It would take on feel of us.

For me at least, this would be my first "real" adult home, if college counts as adulthood with training wheels. I've learned a lot from living on Campus, but I am sure it becomes wildly different once one ventures out.

Naturally, we will all be busy learning how to properly pay bills, and adjusting, so we won't see that much of each other... but since we'll have a spacious house with a porch AND a yard, I was hoping we can have parties. Nothing crazy of course. Just nights where we all invite friends we haven't seen (because we're not on campus anymore!) and revel in having a space of our own in which we can foster such fellowship.

I'll work on my aversion to dirty dishes, and maybe even raise my cleanliness standards a notch. I can be pretty tidy if motivated.

There will be laundry right in the basement.

We'll be securely nestled in the bosom of the Twin Cities, a short trek from the Light Rail, and not terribly far from each down town. Dino's would be further, but that just means my legs will be stronger. The proximity to the river bend promises many good walks.

Oh, Friends! Let's go there now! Forget school! Let's live!

I don't mean that. All this fantasizing is based on one house I found, which will assuredly not still be there when I am looking to sign a lease next April, but it still got the juices flowing.

Next year, I will find something just as wonderful, if not better. Until then, I'm leaving on the training wheels.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Confessions of a Creeper, from the Creeper Window

Kathy just walked by as I sat here; I beckoned her over and we chatted through the window screen.

Oh creeper window.

Oh, Creeping!

1) I need to stop saying that I "stalk" people. Innocent as my motives usually are, no one wants to be "stalked." Then I'd just become some poor, misunderstood stalker.

- Colin suggested I say, "Dig their style." Instead of, "Hello juggler boy, I've been stalking you since you gave me your business card when I was 12," Say, "Hello Juggler Boy, It is so nice to finally meet you, I've dug your style for a while now."

It's going to take some getting used to.

This has happened before. Note, "The Norwegian." He wasn't really Norwegian, I just figured he was since he was blond and wore a pea coat, and from a distance he looked like Oscar Wilde.

Over the course of a couple months, I began to notice him all over, and by the end I'd become familiar with the times and places where our paths would cross. NOT a big deal.

When I finally visited him at his place of work, I spouted out in my most nervous english dialect, "HimynameisLilyandIthinkyoulooklikeOscarWilde,andum,maybewecouldhangoutsometime."

To which I received a baffled, "Well... Um... I am at work right now... So... uh." Then I ran away.

I've never been able to recover from that one... and I don't think bringing a totally awesome dead bird I found to that same place of work helped my cause.

Wish me luck in my self redemption.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sniffles resound

Sitting in Luther apartment eating egg noodles with butter and cheese for dinner.

Worked for 3 hours today, and this after sleeping for no more than that upon returning from the Harry Potter Finale.

Now it's done.

Going to finish my noodles while watching South Park in my Pjs, waiting for the maintenance man to come back. Then I will fall into a well earned rest, to awaken at 4 to go to Stockholm, Wisconsin.

Such is my life.

but this is a prime primary source!