Kathy just walked by as I sat here; I beckoned her over and we chatted through the window screen.
Oh creeper window.
Oh, Creeping!
1) I need to stop saying that I "stalk" people. Innocent as my motives usually are, no one wants to be "stalked." Then I'd just become some poor, misunderstood stalker.
- Colin suggested I say, "Dig their style." Instead of, "Hello juggler boy, I've been stalking you since you gave me your business card when I was 12," Say, "Hello Juggler Boy, It is so nice to finally meet you, I've dug your style for a while now."
It's going to take some getting used to.
This has happened before. Note, "The Norwegian." He wasn't really Norwegian, I just figured he was since he was blond and wore a pea coat, and from a distance he looked like Oscar Wilde.
Over the course of a couple months, I began to notice him all over, and by the end I'd become familiar with the times and places where our paths would cross. NOT a big deal.
When I finally visited him at his place of work, I spouted out in my most nervous english dialect, "HimynameisLilyandIthinkyoulooklikeOscarWilde,andum,maybewecouldhangoutsometime."
To which I received a baffled, "Well... Um... I am at work right now... So... uh." Then I ran away.
I've never been able to recover from that one... and I don't think bringing a totally awesome dead bird I found to that same place of work helped my cause.
Wish me luck in my self redemption.
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