Sunday, December 25, 2011

Oscar Wilde + Ms. Swenson

Even though it wasn't really Ms. Swenson who fertilized my love for Oscar Wilde, in fact, it was Mr. Borris, and only because we read "The Importance of Being Ernest", and even then only because Uncyclopedia quotes him all the time, Ms. Swenson began churning my feminist intellectual brain into the overworking queer power house it is today.

I post because I came across this website:

I've only read the first part so far, but now with all of my (unexpected) women's studies training, this really gets me off, and astonishes me how the Wilde connection can be traced back to my "Youth." ... "Adolescence" if you will... assuming I've passed that.

Monday, December 12, 2011

What did people do before Word Processors?

Granted, I love me some click clack '0 type-writer, but gees, "Cut and Paste."


Sat down at approximately one o'clock, hope of finishing my Gender and Globalization paper dwindling upon the realization I really hadn't started... but then I found that I DID kind of start, and it wasn't all useless!

It has just been a matter of cutting and pasting sources into the right order to match the order of my thesis, and Crockett inspired road map.

I wish all papers were this easy to write... Oh... They are!

Haha! So close.

The Honor's Suite is quiet. I love how zoned in we all are. I am really happy to be part of the Honor's community. I don't care about the bad rap it gets some times. We're here because we like, and are good at producing quality work and sharing ideas. In consequence, we get to sit at polished cedar tables, or poofy leather couches, and write about high theory to our hearts' content.

... talk about ivory tower elitism...

Oh well. I recognize the privilege awarded to me as a student of a private, liberal arts institution. It would be worse not to be grateful, and use my powers for evil.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stay away from comfy couches

When already sleepy, one should most definitely NOT sit anywhere near the couches in the Honor's Suite.

I made the mistake of sitting ON one, and konked out for an hour and a half. Now I am sprawled even more casually, and downing a Coca Cola with a determined glint in my eye.

I wish this one of those many nights where I could have said, "Oh, I must need my rest..."go back to my room, and go to bed before Ten... but nope. This is the real deal, friends. This is the Sunday before finals week. Even though I worked at a reasonable clip all of last week, I now have a finite number of days to finish everything. Still not panicked yet... surprisingly.

Oh, and why am I so tired?
Perhaps it's because on Friday I celebrated Magdalen's 21st at the Kitty Kat Klub, and then followed that up with continual celebrations yesterday, both with Magdalen and with my Floor house.

I love my floor house. One of these days I'll do a blog just about them. I should move away from this couch. Ah!


Third Wave.

Occupy Wall Street.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One Week Out/ 149 days till the end

This time next week I shall be basking in hard earned freedom.

Right now, I sit in the Honor's Suite, bracing for action. I've been working hard all week, and it feels good. I worked so hard on Monday, Tuesday felt like Thursday.

... I put Pandora's "Cake Radio" on too soon, and it started blocking my brain flow.

I've been listening to this station every day. I made it on Monday by combining Cake, the Cure and Big D and the Kids Table with the hope of having as much trumpet and excitement as possible. Ska is really good for paper writing energy.

Last night, I presented on my Occupation Paper. I still have the last part, "Feminism" to write. So far, it's really just been a break down of the movement itself, which discourages me a bit, because this is supposed to be a "Feminist Lens." I've got it though, I'll write a solid introductory paragraph, with a thesis that will make it all make sense. Now, I get to do a little more research, and digging for information on the Third Wave of Feminism ( <3 <3 <3 ). This paper is so theory rich, and I love it.

The other day, I came across bell hooks in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's entry on "Topics in Feminism." I've known about bell hooks, but not that much, and I think we might be soul sisters. She writes:

Unlike many feminist comrades, I believe women and men must share a common understanding — a basic knowledge of what feminism is — if it is ever to be a powerful mass-based political movement. In Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, I suggest that defining feminism broadly as “a movement to end sexism and sexist oppression” would enable us to have a common political goal…Sharing a common goal does not imply that women and men will not have radically divergent perspectives on how that goal might be reached. (hooks 1989, 23)

See? :)

Now I am going to listen to ska and write until I can't handle not playing my trumpet any longer, then I'll go and practice for my jury... and probably sign up for a time.

Then I'll write some more, eat some food, go to the student government meeting, and write a little bit longer.