This time next week I shall be basking in hard earned freedom.
Right now, I sit in the Honor's Suite, bracing for action. I've been working hard all week, and it feels good. I worked so hard on Monday, Tuesday felt like Thursday.
... I put Pandora's "Cake Radio" on too soon, and it started blocking my brain flow.
I've been listening to this station every day. I made it on Monday by combining Cake, the Cure and Big D and the Kids Table with the hope of having as much trumpet and excitement as possible. Ska is really good for paper writing energy.
Last night, I presented on my Occupation Paper. I still have the last part, "Feminism" to write. So far, it's really just been a break down of the movement itself, which discourages me a bit, because this is supposed to be a "Feminist Lens." I've got it though, I'll write a solid introductory paragraph, with a thesis that will make it all make sense. Now, I get to do a little more research, and digging for information on the Third Wave of Feminism ( <3 <3 <3 ). This paper is so theory rich, and I love it.
The other day, I came across bell hooks in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's entry on "Topics in Feminism." I've known about bell hooks, but not that much, and I think we might be soul sisters. She writes:
Unlike many feminist comrades, I believe women and men must share a common understanding — a basic knowledge of what feminism is — if it is ever to be a powerful mass-based political movement. In Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, I suggest that defining feminism broadly as “a movement to end sexism and sexist oppression” would enable us to have a common political goal…Sharing a common goal does not imply that women and men will not have radically divergent perspectives on how that goal might be reached. (hooks 1989, 23)
See? :)
Now I am going to listen to ska and write until I can't handle not playing my trumpet any longer, then I'll go and practice for my jury... and probably sign up for a time.
Then I'll write some more, eat some food, go to the student government meeting, and write a little bit longer.
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