Friday, February 6, 2009

Caffeine + Tour Guide Test

I continuously forget that I am a small person, and that I really DON'T need that much caffeine to make me go crazy. One little can of Starbucks double shot is enough to keep up until 3am... so why do I think it wise to consume 16 ounces of Sobe Adrenaline Rush 20 minutes before my test tour run with Devon?


Three factors were working against me:
1) Caffeine
2) Nerves
3) Myself. I already talk too fast...

He still passed me though. HOORAY!

I had the general full Thursday yesterday, but I think it was also quite wholesome.

In Writing, we had a "demonstration" of how to formulate arguments. It started out as an innocent writing exercise, and left me in flames. Irvine read to us: "A pair of starlings gets into the rafters of a house through an unpatched hole in a screen. They proceed to build a nest and lay eggs. When the eggs hatch, it becomes noisy as the parent birds are flying in and out and feeding their chirping chicks. This noise is a disturbance to the residents of the house, as it interrupts their precious sleep in the morning. So, they do what any other narrow minded, nature conquering human would do, and patch the hole. The parent birds are no longer able to feed their chicks, and they subsequently die of starvation. Is this animal cruelty? Why or why not?"

We wrote down our feelings for five minutes, and THEN he made us divide into those of us who DID think it was cruelty, and those who didn't. Yes in the back, No in the front.

The rage began burning in me when I saw those who didn't think it was cruel, and it only escalated from there.

They sent me up to write and argue our points, and I was in such a fury. The opposition's argument was that "Humans build houses to separate themselves from nature, it's their right to remove pests from their house." AAAH!

The fact that people like that exist is what upsets me the most. It is those who believe that nature is theirs for the taking who are thoughtlessly destroying what we have left. Who don't care about species going extinct, and cruelties being committed.

THEN, all fired up, we went to Liberating Leters, where we are starting our trials. My nemesis from the bird debate is on the Prosecution, and I am on the Defense. They are going DOWN I tell you! DOWN.

Anyway, I have to go to band. Eek!


Mnemosyne said...

YES! I am so glad to hear that you got angry over that exercise. It's definitely an aggravating time.
P.S. Liberating Letters got me riled up daily.

Jennifer Salome said...

that's why we go work out! ahahaha.
also, i told you not to get the caffeine, but i had 3 cans of mountain dew today. sooooo, who's the real loser still up at 4:40am?