I don't want to leave the student senate office. No one will be here for another hour, and what's the good in getting up and moving everything now? Nothing. So I will stay. What is it that I am supposed to be doing here anyway? Normally I would have worked on the Minutes, but Adam hasn't emailed them to me yet.
Well, Wednesday proved to be a great and terrible day. I loved every bit of it, until I got burned out. Dinner was amazing. Paul Maccabee brought actual FBI files for us to look at, and when you open them up, most of what is written is blacked out. His fun was in tracking down the originals to find all the real information for his book. I could do that some day. There's a movie coming out about some of the top crime guys in the midwest, starring Johnny Depp... but Paul said that there really isn't a demand for historians in the film industry... there goes that dream. At seven when we walked into the Marshall room, I felt especially important as an executive member of the History Society, accompanying the key note speaker along with Michael Lansing, Beckie and Mikey. Paul Maccabee's presentation was really good. He was very animated, and excited about his stories, and It's gotten me really interested in the Gun Molls of the Twin Cities.
Especially the ones who grew up, and remarried, never to tell their new families the truth about their past.
Maybe I'll write a bad teen fiction about it some day. Everyone likes crime and love right?
By the end of the day though, after the student senate meeting, and our Defense meeting, I was beat. I didn't want to go to bed because it would hardly be a break before plunging head long into again.
So, on Thursday morning, I woke up like usual, but after I submitted my Women's Studies Paper, I went back to my room and went to sleep. I simply gave up and said that I wasn't going to two of my classes. Jenny supported me. In fact, she told me NOT to go to my classes. Typically that isn't a good thing to do, but it definitely made me feel better. I emerged from bed in time for our last hearing in Liberating Letters. I am pretty confident that we'll get off on the Assault charge, but probably not burglary or live stock theft. I really don't care all that much, I just don't want the prosecution to be feeling smug about themselves.
Jazz band was short, and after I'd eaten some real food, I felt much better. Being that I knew I had nothing due for today, I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It felt great. I hung out with Kathleen, watched How I Met Your Mother with Jenny, and then went with Kathleen and her friends and learned how to play Hearts. I didn't lose, and that's all that matters.
I am not going to do anything today either. It' s trivia weekend, but I don't know how I am going to fit that in. Though I am pretty caught up, I shouldn't add anything else. I've got to get back to work tomorrow.
You are a machine. I salute your ability to be much more organized then myself.
Who said doing nothing couldn't be amazing!
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