I feel like I have to fill this text box with,
"Professor So-and-So,
I am very sorry for missing my interview... or... I apologize for completely forgetting to write a paper... please have pity on me.
Thank You for your understanding,
Lily Morris."
Today, I admit was a fruitful one. I sent out many important e-mails like the one above, I paid for some tuition, paid this month's phone bill, mailed my insurance application, and an application to Sportsman's Cafe, sent a card to Amnesty international, finished the Picture of Dorian Gray, called my parents, and remembered to eat vegetables at dinner.
Today was in fact, a good day.
I woke up feeling lousy, because I went to bed feeling lousy. Due to the adverse effects of caffeine and estrogen, I found myself lying awake near midnight after already drawing in my sketchbook, venting to my Mom, and writing in wild cursive with green ink in my journal... I could have blogged then, but I was too tired to pull myself out of bed, and I knew that the blog would not be a happy one.
I almost finished Dorian Gray before Women's Studies, and when I got there, Jenny gave me a mountain Dew... and lamented at not finishing her paper.
What paper?
Women's Studies, it's due today.
I drank the Mountain Dew... drowning my suffering... knowing very well that it was caffeine that caused my sorrows the night before.
After class, I stopped by the Cafeteria to meet Kathleen. Now, this will sound unbelievably sappy, but once I talked to her, life felt all right. We then went to an intellectually stimulating writing class.
Letters was canceled, so we went to the bank. I got some other business done and went to Jazz band.
Kevin didn't wait for me at dinner yesterday, so I rebelled and went up with Fred and Marty. By this time I was feeling quite cheerful, and we talked about pro-wrestling and literature... until certain outside factors killed all signs of conversational life.
Since then, I have been diligently working... though I some how only managed to get three essays read, and one paragraph typed. At least I have a plan... and a lot of free time tomorrow...
So, the angst has passed. Again, I am caffeinated, and enthralled with life... but I am going to air my grievances:
*It is springtime... love is in the air... When I am not focusing my energies towards staunch asexuality, I am being bombarded by the romances of others, and ignored by those who I have somehow managed to fancy. (Don't jump to any conclusions!)
*Women's Studies readings that make me feel sorry for their authors... and then make me mad for feeling sorry for them because they're just whining and judging anyway! I am also sick of being attacked by these essays for being white. Curse the whites! They all love to trod upon those they find inferior to themselves! Buh wahahaa! ... I love Women's Studies. I love analyzing social circumstances. I love debating the implications of race and gender, and discussing ways to reach equality... but last night I was in no condition to be defensive.
*I've barely scratched the surface of the Senate notes... FROM TWO WEEKS AGO!
*The buildings are starting to get really, really hot. ... Sticky, warm, hot... the hot that hits you in waves and forces you to peel off layers exposing unacceptable sweat (A completely natural biological function.) When you're not too hot, you're too cold... because you're outside... or because you opened your window to air out your room...
*...THAT SMELLS! Oh how it smells! Foul... dank... like a grizzly bear's den after his long hibernation. I can't escape it... And I am forced to return to that place...
Hamlet's "Sordid sheets" are brought to mind...
... but they're not my sheets... and I am not adulterous...
All that aside, I am feeling full of love. Love that is in no way physical, and attached to the senses, that will fade when the senses die...
... Oscar Wilde my love... forgive me for misquoting you... at least I got the point across.
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