Monday, March 2, 2009

Some Things I Like

One hour ago, I came online to blog. I have since checked my facebook, filled out a silly forward, and emailed my mom. My paper is no closer to completion.

But I feel that if I don't blog, all the things that are bubbling in my right now will eat at me until I either get them out, or simply fade to oblivion and I will no longer have anything to blog about!

A while ago, Ali and Adam did some "I likes" and I have been thinking of mine since then. They happen all the time, but here are some as of now:

The smell of books. Old books, new books, it doesn't matter. Each book's smell reminds me of another book's smell, and the smell is usually rooted in happiness.

Old Newspapers. I realized that one today while I researched my argumentative paper. On the first floor of the library there is a whole filing cabinet FULL of local newspapers from 2004 to today. It was brilliant. I set up camp in front of the files for an hour, paging through the past. It made me all tingly because it made me think of the things I might be doing someday as a real historian. (Old newspapers smell good too!)

Primary Sources. I used to think that primary sources were dense and boring. Then I got Lansing's History class, and we get primary sources to read all the time! I love reading the Newsweek articles from the 1950s, and learning about the threat of television, and other things that were of concern then. I really really really enjoy that.

Stories. All stories, but especially the stories of walls, and mountains, trees and rivers. The walls of my dorm room hold the stories of 43 years of 18 year old College First years. 43 different experiences, emotions, music, and lives. How much a part of me my room is, and it has been that much a part of 43 people over 43 years of time. Of History, of change... I will write a full blog about it some day...

Using the short paper towel dispenser, and pretending I am tall. Do I really need to elaborate?

Reading. Especially the full feeling after reading for a long time. Even if it's assigned.

The Third floor of the Library.
Making New Friends.
Waking up on the floor after a long night of deep conversations.

Getting things done... like papers... that are due tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mnemosyne said...

I approve of this post.