Campbell's soup... Condensed. Questionable. Questionable and hot. Hot hot hot... Too hot for a day like this. Canned soup, cereal... yesterday I had a potato, and I don't know if potatoes are nutritious. Ice cream... um... more cereal... I did have a bunch of carrots yesterday. They must be good.
I am dehydrated. Because I am dehydrated, I am crabby... And because I am crabby, I am too prissy to drink water that has not been refrigerated... and because I have not drunk water, I am dehydrated.
I went into this blog with plan... I no longer have that plan.
Well. Today is Saturday. The sun is shining brilliantly, and outside looks marvelous. It is probably cooler out there than it is in here, but I lack the ambition to move. So I sit in my room, with a fan, and Pandora set on Beethoven Radio. I thought I wanted Angsty Punk rock radio, but that was before I opened Pandora. It was already on Beethoven radio, and then I realized that angsty punk rock would probably not bode well on my dehydrated state of snippy.
Maybe after I get water.
I think Fred is in Chicago.
I woke up this morning a bit before 10. Marrta's home again. I checked my Augnet, and discovered that the book Visser ordered for me when I was at Hamline came in already, so I went to the library to get it. V for Vendetta. I have already read a lot, and I may finish this weekend, if not today. So far it is already creeping in amongst my favorites.
Then I cleaned. It was not fun, but it is nice.
Now, I wait in the heat until 6. At that time I will begin my walk to the train station to get to Down town for Alan's birthday.
This day is not like other days... It feels off. I like it.
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