Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Disney Lesbians

How come they don't have Soap Opera Resistence Education? "SORE." I am finding it to be just as harmful as drugs or alcohol... I mean really. My room mates have it worse than me. THEY are on the Fourth season, I am still on the second. They watch whole discs in one day... Seasons in weekends. It is NOT healthy.

I watch to keep up with my peers, but I only get angry.

The L Word Rant of the Day:

That artist girl sent Bette one of her blown glass mobiles. A blown glass mobile that took her a year to make. All right. Dramatic Scene: Bette opens up the box, and begins to slowly pull the BLOWN GLASS mobile out of the packing peanuts... one by one the orbs are exposed, and Bette looks on emotionally...

What's the big deal? You don't ship blown glass loosely in bloody packing peanuts! Each bauble would have to be wrapped in bubble wrap, placed in a box filled with peanuts and THEN placed in the big box full of packing peanuts. YOU DON'T NOT DOUBLE BOX FRAGILE ART! I even think that shipping companies require it! So there.

*deep breath

But what about the other things that The L Word portrays? VitaMN had an article about gay clubs in the Twin Cities, and had mentioned specifically cliques of "L word Lesbians." What is an L word Lesbian? They are upper class, successful, attractive, white, lesbians, and thusly not an accurate portrayal of lesbian culture.

Yes, they bring their lives into the forefront, making sexuality of all kinds comfortable and common place, but I am still reluctant to accept the show's view.

They do not have ANY straight friends. EVERYONE they run into is lesbigay. Everyone. It may be Los Angeles, but they are still a minority. For every gay friend they have, they should have 10 straight ones. Isn't that the statistic? Maybe they have just found their niche, their clique of friends, but there should be more straight people.

The only straight people that I have encountered now into the second season have been radical right wing extremists, closed minded straight moms, and Mark, Jenny and Shane's pervert room mate.

I don't agree with portraying homosexuality in a negative light, so it's good that the protagonists are strong, gay women. However, I also don't feel that means heterosexuals should be cast in a bad light either.

Also, I don't like the negative opinions of Jenny. Why do people hate her so much? Only being in the second season, I may not have had the most time to get to know her, but I remember hearing slighting comments mid way through the first season! She IS NOT a bad person. She makes tough decisions, and people get hurt... that HAPPENS. She's in her mid twenties, and going though a huge life transition. She can't be blamed for being confused! She's an artist, she's lost, she's "coming of age" and people hate her for it.

Not fair.

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