I am sitting with my back on the foot board, facing out towards I-94 and the parking lot tree.
I am in a good mood.
However, I leave for work at 2:00pm to embark on a 3 day streak, which I hope will be my last. Hooray! This means it is 9 days until the UpTown, and 12 days until I go home... but who's counting?
So, I haven't worked since last Wednesday, and the interim week has been one filled with glorious solitude. I've been playing my lovely, lovely, guitar, and have kind of learned "Both Hands" by Ani Di Franco, and I've worked through a few exercises in my Christopher Parkening Guitar Method book. Guitar- Check.
I've also been drawing pictures. Art-Check
Writing Letters. Writing- Check
Reading Tom Robbins and "Virginity Lost." Educational Reading- Check.
Watching That 70s Show. Mindless Self-Indulgence- Check.
Solitude wonderful solitude.
There has been a peppering of Social Interaction as well, added to taste. Yesterday, Colin, Paul and I did a double feature at the Edina Cinema. First we saw "Moon" by Duncan Jones, and then (after getting Sushi at Lunds) Saw "Tetro" by Francis Ford Coppola. Both amazed me, but I thought Tetro was magnificent.
*Shudder of delight*
I really don't know what else I can say beyond that I LOVE good films. GOOD you know? !!!! I love having Film Major friends...
Later that evening Colin and I planned out our next week, and filled it up with marvelous activities Ranging from New Brunswick Day to Harold and Maude at Midnight. Yes Sir.
Today is the last Soar Session. I administered Surveys like before, only this time with Ali. I loved it. I love seeing the new faces, and meeting new people, who will soon be my friends. I also love knowing that I might help someone's first year experience be at least a little more bearable. Corny, yes... but... I like helping. It feels good.
Right now is a happy time.
Still dreading work.
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