24 hours in. I look around me, and I see happy faces on Facebook profiles everywhere. Not I. I sit here doing other... not quite so efficient, but productive things. Like responding to emails from home, and blogging. Worthy feats?
It has been a LONG facebookless day. Though simply knowing that I can't helps to keep my mind off of it, and it suddenly doesn't seem important! Will my self control prevail? Probably not.
In lieu of facebook, I spent 5 hours in the library last night reading, and making a freaking sweet study guide for myself. There are five pages of it, and I am seriously going to rock this History exam... or at least I hope so. I'll rock it harder than I did last time.
Einstein is officially my hero, and maybe going through on getting that calendar will turn out for the better. He said so many things that simply make SO MUCH SENSE, I can't help but love the man!
AAAAAND... Rasputin.
Need I elaborate? Everyone else in the world knew about why he was important, except me, so I am alone in my newfound historical glee. I think he really did have super powers. I think people STILL have healing powers. Maybe he was just using manipulation and hyptnotism, BUT HE STILL MADE TSAREVITCH ALEXEI'S PAIN GO AWAY. What if he WAS sent by God? What if what if!
Jenny and I made significant progress on our Beatles Anthology Puzzle last night. We completed the borders, and were able to attatch Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, and some other chunks, and start to put together Paul's face. I wanted to make John's Face complete, but aside from the glasses, the pieces could belong to George, Ringo OR John...
Is there anything happening tonight? I don't think so... I hope not. I'll spend it in the library again, making SURE I do well on the History Exam. People keep saying that the History class I am taking is the hardest 100 level History class offered. Aside from the pure luck you sometimes need to remember details for the quizzes, I actually find it pretty simple and fun. I want MORE classes like it!
I've been playing with my Spring Schedule. I plan on taking Honors Liberating Letters and Effective Writing, 20th Century American History, and Foundations of Women's Studies, along with Band, Jazz Band, Brass Chamber and lessons. Still quite the full schedule but I think I can do it.
(I miss facebook!)
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