Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I need to try something.
One week, NO Facebook. I think that if I were able to make it just one week, I would no longer be dependent on that stupid site for my happiness. After that one week, I would still go on to check in, but it would not consume me. I would not see my computer solely as a link to the outside world... And not even the outside world! Last night when I was trying to type my history paper, I was chatting with Andrew... who was sitting at the same table as me.

This needs to end. Dante is a TOOL to be used for academic accelearation (and blogging.) NOT for spending hours stalking myself. Seems pretty logical to me.

When will I try this networkless week? Right now, at Eleven o-two on Tuesday morning? Why not now? No Facebook until eleven o-two NEXT Tuesday. You are all my witnesses.

There, I changed my status... whew... this will be tough.

I hope that this pink font doesn't clash horribly with my background, it's just that I am in a soft pink mood this morning. My Religion group met this morning in Luther, and Becky made SCONES. All we determined was which parts we are all going to do, and when to meet next. Being that I am in the library right now, I should look up some books and start making notecards. Sooner rather than later. That is something I need to work at, and I think with facebook out of my life, it will be easier.

This morning I woke up at seven twenty with every intention to GET up, and go to breakfast, and then work on my History paper. I didn't get out of bed until 8:45, and by then my book was due back to the library. My paper is decent. I might check to see if there are any books left so I can finish reading about Rasputin, but being that it's crunch time, I doubt that will happen.

Days like yesterday spent reading about poor Tsar Nicholas II and his family make me remember why I am a history major. History Majors do a lot of reading. That's just how it works. Then magically, through all of those words knowledge is implanted into my brain, and I sigh and say, "Oh Yes!"

Remember in the beginning of the year when I said that I would only have to be neat for one month, and it would form a new habit? Well, the month passed, I came out of my shell, and with that so did my untidy tendencies. It is horrible. My room, like Dante, is a tool. At least my desk. My desk is a place for me to sit, and ACCOMPLISH the tasks required for my success. So why can't I see it?

Bad Habit #1: Facebook
Bad Habit #2: Slobbery
Bad Habit #3: Morning Routine

Why wait for the New Year?

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