Friday, November 7, 2008

When I'm up

It's obnoxious how happy I am.

Especially last night after it all went down, Jenny and I just stood looking out her ninth floor window at the brightly lit city, shrouded in a post rainshower haze, and EVERYTHING was good. We can still feel the energy coursing through all of us! What a GREAT time to be alive, in college and in the city!


Today in History I sat in the T, and I drank my Sobe, and I was alert and enthralled. Lenin, socialism, Bolsheviks and revolution!

I visited professor Gus in his office yesterday to talk to him about the upcoming exam and my excitement to learn about socialism. That is the kind of life that I want to have, History Major. When I talked to my counselor yesterday, I expressed my unease at the fact that if I really do go through with History Major, Religion Minor... or even Political Science Minor, How BROWN my life will be. History is a brown field. Religion is gold... Political Science is... Blue grey? I don't mind brown though. It's comfortable. Plus, I'll always have music which is every color, and I can even take some Green biology classes... so... my life is bright.

OOH! Today in my Augsem we went to a Sunni Mosque. It was amazing. When my friends and I discussed it afterwards we all expressed feelings of awe at actually SEEING it. Sure we didn't LEARN much more than what we have already read, but we experienced it! And right here in our own neighborhood!

We had to take off our shoes, and when it was time for the prayer the girls had to sit behind the boys. Our guide emphasized that this was NOT because women are inferior, it's just that they don't want the men to be distracted. This is a concept that ruffled my illustrious female plumage at Summer Camp when GIRLS had to be modest as to not distract the boys. I didn't understand why it was OUR responsibility to keep the boys' lusty minds in check. I still don't think it's fair, but today I actually did feel empowered. Sitting behind the men, and covering ourselves is our right because we don't need no stinkin' men having bad thoughts about us! HA! Take that!

I LOVE our country. That there are all these cultures here together!

Yes there is violence and misunderstanding, but people are pushing to relinquish that. People ARE GOOD.

And there I go off on my idealist world view... I really do hope that that doesn't become a weakness... I just really love everything.

I love Democracy, and Minneapolis, I love being 18 and a girl, I love Augsburg, Minnesota, Friendship, Knowledge... Everything.

Hopefully I will be able to find a comfortable middle ground soon, else I come crashing down from this crazy height into a burning wreck. ... Just mellow out... embrace this good life... take in all that I can.

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