Friday, July 24, 2009

Soar and rampant optimism

I can't tell if I am comforted or frightened by the eagerness of my Type-A personality to kick in to school mode. It started yesterday when I was getting ready to go the the Auggie Town Play, and Ali sent me on a mission to print off some questionaires.

I ran to Foss, hurried down the steps, and signed into a computer. Then I rushed to find the right printer and set up, and printed off "60" (I think tons more actually printed) pages, and ran to Sateren for the play. The thrill that I got from doing a task within a time slot, and being rewarded with the smell of printer fresh paper was extraordinary! On top of that, I went to the play, and watched skits about studying, time management, relationships, and parents. It brought me right back, and I loved it.

Loved it loved it loved it.

But that's not all!

This morning I woke up early to fill in the questionaires at SOAR registration. I put my hair in a pony-tail, donned Auggie gear and bought myself a tasty coffee. Then for two hours, I put on a suit of caffeinated extroversion, and met a ton of brand new Auggies!

This is what reminds me what I am doing here. I love this. I love people, I love learning, so yeah, summer might be sucking, but it's all right, because in a few weeks, it will be academia again.

Also, it concerned me that all the new Auggies would replace me. The fear of an older sister expecting a new baby sibling... knowing that they won't be getting as much attention anymore with a new baby in the house... but I am even ok with that now after seeing the happy new Auggie faces that will soon become such a prominent visage (is that right?) of Augsburg.

And I'll still be the big sister.

Then... I showered, cleaned, AND VACUUMED, started laundry and ate a breakfast of my new favorite snack: Plain yogurt (the cow on the carton's name is Lily) Cherry Vanilla granola, and honey. I even took my vitamins.

I actually feel nourished and ready for the rest of the day... but I might take a nap. Fred and I are going to Como Zoo later.


1 comment:

Mnemosyne said...

Goooo Lily!

Also, I can't wait to join you tomorrow in SOAR-goodness!