There are times when I really appreciate the sheer frigidness of our fridge, for example; cracking open an ice cold Mountain Dew, or pouring a glass of refreshing water. Right now however, as I gnaw through chunks of frozen rice trying not to hurt my teeth is not very pleasant.
Of course, I could just leave the left overs out in the sun long enough for them to thaw, but I do not have that patience. My leftovers are Thai, and quite delicious, despite their temperature. (Note: "3" on a spicy scale of one to five is just about unbearable.) Jill, Alan and I have decided to become renowned(sp?) food critics and bloggers, traversing the whole of Minneapolis/St. Paul, never eating at the same place twice. "Off the Eaten Path" (if that highly clever name is not taken yet) will be up and running soon in the coming weeks :D
On Friday night I was able to hang with Alan and Jill. It was a really cool experience. Since getting here, it was the first time I just got to "hang out" in Minneapolis. Jill lives right across the street, and that's cool to know. We went to a used bookstore where I gazed upon the glorious bounty of books, but did not buy any. I had a cold and was feeling quite miserable. Then we went to a coffee shop and I got some peach ice-tea. I felt like I feel that I should feel here in Minneapolis as a college student. I mean, how collegiate can you get? Sitting in a coffee shop sipping tea with friends discussing literature, pop culture and social issues? Glorious.
Afterwards we meandered back to another UofM building and sat in the squishy chairs discussing ethics.
Saturday marked my first Weekend on campus. I WAS able to accomplish things before Pep band, even though I did sleep in too late. LAUNDRY I must add, was a horrible experience. I'd done laundry before, I was expecting it all to run smoothly, but I was lucky enough to choose the washing machine that was broken... The water didn't drain so I had to haul sopping wet clothing to the dryer, which in turn DIDN'T GET DRY! Ugh. I still have pants draped over various surfaces in my room.
We had our first Pep band Saturday night. Sadly, the turn out was no more than an Ogilvie pep band gig, but the word is that we were greatly appreciated. I had a lot of fun, and managed to read all of chapter four in "The Question of God" despite the cold and wetness.
Josh and some of his friends were in town for a concert, so he paid a relatively unplanned visit, which was awesome.
He left on Sunday before the Honors Banquet. I am in Hesser house, and inspite of my nomination, I was not elected house president. It's ok, I'm only a first year. One cool thing that I am quite excited about is the Memnos Cup. I don't care so much for the cup itself, but the idea behind it is very cool. The idea is to encourage memorization. You get points if you can memorize the posted 120 word piece, and if you memorize it first you get to choose the next piece! Upon hearing this I thought, "Oh yes, Oscar Wilde!" And then, I see that the starting piece is "Ave Maria, Gratia Plena" by OSCAR WILDE! I haven't put much attempt into memorizing it yet, but I will. I HAVE TO! Now it might be weird for me to challenge with more Oscar Wilde... as oftentimes the too resplendent sun hurries the pallid and reluctant moon back to her cave ere she hath won, a single ballad of the nightengale... I LOVE that Man!
Monday is coming together to be a very full day. A day who originally started off being rather relaxed is going to be a challenge. Between Scholar Citizen and Band Iused to have nearly six hours, but now I only have a bit more than two. Good things though; Trumpet lesson at twelve thirty, brass ensembles from one twenty until band at three forty. I hope I hope I hope I will grow as a trumpet player.
I still need to figure out my schedule to fit in Jazz band. I keep telling Bob that I will talk to Quanbeck, and continue to neglect those promises... *whine
Now I have more than an hour to spare. I've eaten my Thai lunch with a Mountain Dew and a square of yummy chocolate. I've blogged... I don't want to read. One of the things I've learned is that I NEED to read what I'm supposed to, else bad things happen... but... the warm sun through my window is telling me that I should take a nap.
Even though I went to bed reasonably early last night, I was still unbearably tired half way through Scholar Citizen. Something must be done.
Well, if the day is going to be as big as I think it will be, a nap will be HIGHLY beneficial.
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