Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tabula Rasa

I am coming down from a History High right now.

"Tabula Rasa?" My friends might ask, "Are you referring to the episode of Lost, season one in which Kate simply wants to start afresh?"

Then I will respond, "No, I am speaking of the concept that all children are born as a 'blank sheet' to be formed into good citizens, as brought up by John Locke."

HAHAHAHA! Yes. John Locke.

John Locke, Tabula Rasa, Rousseau, David HUME...

I don't know if my High is coming from the fact that my History class is so awesome, or because LOST is so awesome.

The entire second half of class I was giddy because I am a shameless Lostie.

Anyway, Time has passed since my initial glee. Contemplating my next move, and whether or not going to bed at nine would be acceptable.

I don't feel well. My throat is raw, my nose is annoying, and my sinuses are starting to get irritated. I think a few girls on my floor are sick too, so that's just joyous.

I just got back from the Augsburg Students for Obama meeting. We just talked a little about volunteering, and then made some calls to get some more volunteers. Almost as good as phonebanking, without the fear of being yelled at. One of the guys there said that he had a gun pulled on him while door knocking once. I MISS 8B!!!

It will be difficult to be really involved here, and I don't think I am going to try that hard.



I rock, just so you know.

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