I've got it. Armed with a clipboard, my tool of choice, I am ready. Pen poised, smile fixed, ALL I have to do is approach them and say, "Hey! Are you Obama Supporters?" and they'll say, "Yes!" Then I'll write down their names and move on to the next.
All I have to do is make the first move. After that it will be cake right? It always is. The first number on the call list, the first door to knock, it's always the hardest.
But my three weeks of inaction have left me soft. Polichick is weakened by the fear of judgment. I told Max that I would. I have to else I face the relentless guilt put upon me by my own self.
My ego has been up and down today. I got up early to go to the other Honors Religion class in hopes that I could take that instead, moving History to One Thirty, leaving three thirty open for Jazz band. Simple as that. Quanbeck complied, and then it was off to Gus' office where I was informed I could not switch because the room is too full. He'll get back to me next week...
Plus because I put it off this long I feel lousy for Bob through all of this.
So... Yesterday when I went to academic advising to register for Brass Choir, the lady at the desk said, "Wow! This looks like two semesters worth of courses!" I'll never know what it's like to "Take it Easy." Never.
I still need to figure out my Stafford Loan.
It is a dangerous habit to put things off. At least this time I am mostly caught up with my homework.
I wish I didn't have Jazz band to deal with. I WANT to do Jazz Band, any chance I can get to play my trumpet, I want to take, but I wish that I didn't have to move my whole schedule around, just as I am finally getting used to it!
My Barack Obama Clip Board is sneering at me.
Right now I am going to read a chapter in the Question of God so as to not have as much tonight.
AT LEAST I did everything I was supposed to for History. Gus WILL remember me, just like he remembers Bob Stake. History is Love.
1 comment:
I phone bank via Barack's website.
I do not know the Sam person.
Do you want to phone bank? Let's be brave together. I phone banked through Barack's Vote For Change website this summer, and that was really easy. All of the people I called were already Obama supporters, so all I had to ask is if they would host an event. But calling my connnsserrvatiivee hometown is a whole other matter.
Go to Barack's website, and then if you have an account, sign in, and then go to the "Neighbor to Neighbor" tool.
P.S. No overwhelming yourself! I will be very upset at you.
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