I thought it would be so easy to blog, but I keep putting off or deleting the ones that I actually do. Well... yesterday I had a blog, but I closed the window to watch a movie... Ooops.
With my first two classes and placement audition out of the way, there is no question to my status as a college student. None. I like it. I like it a lot.
If you walked outside, you would not believe that it was SO bloody hot just two days ago! Autumn is in the air. Just Autumn though, maybe if I were to get up real early and smell the air I could catch a whif of winter, but for now I think it's just fall. Fall is waking up, and cracking his knuckles, blinking the sleep out of his eyes and contemplating what to do next. I love love LOVE Fall!
And I love COLLEGE! I Love learning and I LOVE Augsburg. Augsburg is most definitely the perfect school for me. I hope I will always feel this way... I'm sure I will... most Auggies do. World Politics this morning was my first ever college class, and a great one at that. We discussed questions we'd like to have answered, and were promised that we would get the answers.
Even if I wuss out and decide to not to pursue a career in politics, and instead resign to the life of a History Major, NOT that that would be bad at all, I could still do ANYTHING! (if not more :) ) I Still love learning about the social sciences. In Honors 120 we just talked about ourselves, and a little about what will be covered. There's a reading assignment in that class, and I managed to read most of it today, but then I got too tired (at 2pm?) I fell asleep and slept until after three... I liked the reading though, once I got past the first part. I'll finish it tonight. No worries.
When I woke up from my nap, Marrta called and told me that there's no band today, just auditions. I went down to the Musica hall anyway to practice. It was awful. All my valves were stuck solid. SOLID. It was a great struggle to get them loose enough to oil them. After my half our practice, I had enough Blue Juice on my hands and on the crotch of my jeans to oil 3 three trumpets, but was that enough to keep my first valve from sticking?
Of course not.
When I was finished, I asked if I could sign up for an audition time, and I was told that I could go next. HA! I just played my solo through at least 5 times after not playing for a couple weeks... but I auditioned anyway. My valve stuck, and I missed a couple notes, but they still told me that I did a good job. :D I'm going to be contacted about being in a brass ensemble!!!
We don't actually have our first band practice until Monday, but we get our music at the meeting on Friday.
OH! I Saw Bob Barr speak today! It worked well, right after my classes I went to the chapel and watched him. The posters all said he was the independent presidential candidate, but he's a libertarian. One of his biggest points was the Second Amendment issue. I felt bad, but I left after the first few questions, I just got too antsy. I liked it though, it was really exciting. I texted Cousin Jack with my happiness :P
"NObama" buttons irk me.
Tomorrow, I just realized I am going to miss Howard Dean. What's with that??? And I'm not even going to have that much time to sign up Obama supporters! ZUT! After all of our classes and practices tomorrow, Ben, Jenny and I, and maybe some other people are going to head down to the RNC. Just to see what it looks like.
Because I'm not studying right now, I have Pandora playing. It's distracting. I have it set on "classic Rock" Radio. Hence the title of this blog. I love it here. Love... but I am sad that I will not be working at KBEK anytime soon. SAD. If it gets too bad, I'll join Kaug, but that might be too much.
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