... let 'em go, because man, they're gone.
Jack Handey
You can't imagine how helpless one becomes having lost their keys. Unable to get into Urness, Your room, or even the bathroom... Oh so very helpless indeed!
I got a new access card to add to my bill. I think it's something like $30... But hey, It's college... what's thirty dollars? I'm still feeling foolish about it however. The one time I decide NOT to fasten my keys to my belt loop, and they jump ship. Conniving Scoundrels!
Luckily, my room mate is AWESOME and is letting me use her key for now.
It is just past twelve thirty, meaning that I have four and a half hours before Josh is finished at the Youth Power Summit to read at LEAST chapter eight in "The Question of God," the Lewis reading, and the questions associated with it. Also there's the second HALF of "The Great Train Robbery" to finish by tuesday. I'm not behind, not yet.
"The Great Train Robbery" is a really fun book. I would have not picked it out on my own but it is really fun to learn about the Crimea, the Glass Palace and the Railway system, and then be able to read about them in a novel and have this great intellectual understanding... ah yes.
My parents visited on Thursday. My dad had to bring some pottery to a guy here, and Mom came with. They picked me up on their way and then we went to Green Mill. I wasn't wild about the food that I got... It's sad that I am already so put off by noodles... but it was awesome to be with my parents. My Dad Joked that they're not seeing me any less than usual... and that's kind of true when you think about it. I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to mull over how little I've seen of them. However when I DID get to see them I was overwhelmed with home sickness. I only wished to stay in the car, sleeping on the drive, to arrive in the gravel driveway in Ogilvie where I'd be greeted by bounding, squealing dogs, and a slinking cat too dignified to show that he missed me.
Away from this dorm, away from this city, away from all my books and reading. I can see how dropping out in the first ten days wouldn't be that out of the picture for some!
I like it here though. I've already become used to this life, and I don't especially want to leave it behind yet... Strangely all that comes to mind right now as to WHY I don't want to leave is, "Ice Tea." Ice Tea in association with coffee shops of course, and coffee shops in turn associated with friendships. Happy.
The City is good.
I'm considering taking up "Everybody's free to wear sunscreen" in that I should, "Live in New York once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft." I like that. Maybe as a reknowned...archivist(?) I'll have that opportunity.
I should try to get to a book store tonight and get a book of short stories for speech. I need to find SOMETHING!
Ice Tea sounds fabulous right now.
Well, Not much else of importance to note at this time. My conscience is eating at me to get back to reading...I'd rather be reading Twilight...
Oh Goodness... did I just say that!?
What has become of me!
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