Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Want to be an Art Fair Girl Forever

I spent most of my superb day thus far at the Uptown Art Festival.

I've known that plot of land as long as I can remember, yet sometimes I can't recognize it without white tents.

In the last few years, I HAVE begun to understand that area in terms of Magers and Quinn, the book store, the Uptown Theater, the Lakes, Saint Sabrina's, and Codey's apartment not far away.

(I am pretty sure I got my really cool, hard cover copies of Moby Dick, Hard Times, and 10,000 Leagues under the Sea at Magers and Quinn!)

More than a decade ago, an even more compact sized me roamed those streets, talking with artists, wrapping pottery and going on ice runs. I am still good at it!

This weekend, I have been hanging out with a potter-friend-of -the-family at the show. As a member of, "Team Kick Ass" yesterday, I helped set up the booth with all the pottery and put price tags on with much ease, and then started selling things right away.

I want to keep doing this, the fun part... let someone else do all the hard work... but that doesn't seem quite right.

Rita's finally started coming around to thinking about taking over the Morris land with me some day. We will farm and make art, and I will somehow be the road girl who travels around selling our wares. How neat it would be to make pottery... Morris Pottery 4 Lyf!

This is difficult thinking when I am still so in love with this city, but maybe we'll run our course.

I am going to take a nap instead of packing.