Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day and other Endeavors

Election Day, Election Day!

This morning after Mary Lowe's class, Erica and I went together to vote (awww, Roommie time!). We even did some research on the candidates before walking across the foot bridge to our polling place.

This is my second time voting, and my first time voting in Minneapolis. I am very excited, though it would have been nice to vote up north where my voice might be a little stronger. Oh well. I still feel good. Voting makes me remember why I started college as a poli-sci major, and it makes a career in politics seem not as obscure. I think it would be fun to serve on local committees, and who knows!

In Ogilvie, there is a man named David Youngquist, and though I have not met him yet, he is one of my heros. He has done significant work and planning around Ogilvie's Back to the Tower Days, and through his Ogilvie Facebook page really appears to be vitalizing our community. Even more significantly, a couple weeks ago he spoke up against some bigoted gay-bashing in a very concise and respectful way. I admire his work, and will support him if he ever decides to go further.

Seeing his work also gives me hope that some day, wherever I end up, I will be able to make a difference too, and that is exciting.


October was a party.
I am now coming down from a high that lasted at least three weeks. It wasn't bad by any means, but it definitely was a scattered mindset that I am glad is starting to become more focused. At least I can tell myself that, these first days of November... we'll see what the rest of the month brings.

In October, every week was jam packed. I don't think I have ever been so exuberantly social my whole life. I went on DATES.

I think that is where my "crazy" mindset comes in.


I had never "Dated" before. Not in the sense in which "Asking out" means asking OUT, and not like high school's "going out." Boy oh BOY is it fun. I like doing things, and I like meeting people, and I like boys... who would have thought there was an activity that satisfied all those interests!

Of course it has come with much confusion about expectation and etiquette, but I am learning, and my research on "Free Love" is providing some insight ;)


September and October were angsty months - again, I don't want to put November up as being entirely different just yet- now I embark with more resolution.

I lacked ambition. My classes bored me. I didn't want to anything but sleep, doodle and explore the realm of possibility AWAY from campus. I became frustrated, and wondered where the Lily I once knew had gone... and then, with the advent of TWO research papers coming due this month, I think I have found my academic spirit again. I hope it lasts.

I haven't actually proposed these papers yet, and I know that my topics are too broad and with some discussion with professors will be narrowed.

The first is for Honors 200, religion, taking a "core belief" and it's connection to a contrasting or contraversial topic. I am taking Humanism (Which is great) and Morality. I don't know if Mary Lowe will approve of that... so maybe I could make it Humanism and Free Love... or contraception... or something. Whatever the case, I have a bunch of library books that I am excited about, and spent my morning reading the introduction to a compilation of writings by Victoria Woodhull, late 19th Century, "Suffrage, Free Love, and Eugenics." *drool

My other paper is for Modern Britain and Ireland, and is to be a biography. I have chosen to research "Lord Haw-Haw" and his traitorous Nazi radio broadcasts to England during WWII. I will use him as a point around which to study radio's affect on war morale. I think. This too is pending on discussion with Jacqui.


Reading about Victoria Woodhull and her time also got me excited about my Senior thesis opportunity with Larry Crockett on the foundations of pragmatism during the Civil War. Humanism ties into this as well, and from a Historical perspective I think could be loads of fun.

Next week, I will be attending the National Women's Studies Association Conference, and I am REALLY looking forward to it. I like conferences as much as I like free air travel, hotel rooms and good company. I can't wait. It will get me really pumped for my research, and towards a goal of presenting next year either at the National Honor's Conference, Phi Alpha Theta, an ACTC conference or all of the above. Yum. It will employ many of my passions and talents and even get RECOGNIZED. Reasonable goal, I think. :)

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