Sunday, December 11, 2011

Stay away from comfy couches

When already sleepy, one should most definitely NOT sit anywhere near the couches in the Honor's Suite.

I made the mistake of sitting ON one, and konked out for an hour and a half. Now I am sprawled even more casually, and downing a Coca Cola with a determined glint in my eye.

I wish this one of those many nights where I could have said, "Oh, I must need my rest..."go back to my room, and go to bed before Ten... but nope. This is the real deal, friends. This is the Sunday before finals week. Even though I worked at a reasonable clip all of last week, I now have a finite number of days to finish everything. Still not panicked yet... surprisingly.

Oh, and why am I so tired?
Perhaps it's because on Friday I celebrated Magdalen's 21st at the Kitty Kat Klub, and then followed that up with continual celebrations yesterday, both with Magdalen and with my Floor house.

I love my floor house. One of these days I'll do a blog just about them. I should move away from this couch. Ah!


Third Wave.

Occupy Wall Street.

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