Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gordon is Sirius!

I tried to blog last night, but I got distracted.

So I am going to try again now. In less than a week, these blogs will actually start to mean something... and it will mean that I'll HAVE to blog. I don't mind, it just might be hard to get into the habit.

Sara hadn't seen Dark Knight yet, so we went to Mora last night. We were just one of three groups there, and that was neat. I liked it a lot better the second time through, because I was able to better comprehend what was going on.

The mob deal was the Joker's thing, but I still don't know how (****SPOILER****) Gordon faked his death.

Then, during the credits I was able to put two and two together: Gary Oldman /2= Comissioner Gordon + SIRIUS BLACK

Tcha! I know, for real. Nicole thought I was comparing the characters when I told her, but they are the same Actor! AAAAHAHA! That is really cool, because they are nothing alike.

I told Alan, and he said something about the next Harry Potter movie being post poned. That is rather upsetting.

So, I just checked my augnet email, and the bookstore told me that my order is being held because I haven't made an account. I thought that I did. ... I don't want to spend money.

Yesterday night when I got home my mom told me I had a whole bunch of mail, 3 packages, and an envelope from Credo. KNowing that they were some of the books I ordered from Amazon, I opened the biggest one first, Einstein: His Life and Universe. It's quite large, and not really what I had in mind for a college book, so I am a bit concerned. The next book was The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Frued debate God, Love, Sex and the Meaning of Life. Yeah. I can't wait!!! Then I opened a small package that was my new phone cover. I'm pretty happy about that because my phone won't get beat up any more, but now it kind of looks like a dork. Poor guy.

Lastly, I had an envelope from Credo. I figured it was my bill, and I was a bit scared because I had terrifying late charges last month, and I really hoped that that wouldn't happen again. At the same time though, I was interested in what cool things were in my bill this month. When I opened it, I discovered a Coupon for one free pint of Ben and Jerry's as a thankyou for a survey I took!!

I'll bring it to college... the coupon I mean.

I took one of my mom's towels. It's a smallish one in really ugly colors, that I've always liked. I've meant to take it to college for a long time, so I folded it and put it in my laundry basket. I will be taking a couple more towels from our towel rack soon, I just don't know which ones, or how many.

I also found Alfred, and added him to my college pile. Even though he hasn't been part of my life for quite a while now, I've heard that it's good to bring things along that will remind you of home. Besides, I think he'll make a good Barny-cat substitute... *sniff. Alfred, by the way is a one eyed stuffed tiger I bought at the Renaissance a long long time ago.

Sometime soon too, I want to go down to the basement and find a couple beanie babies. Probably the ferret, and maybe one or two more to be my "pets."

Today, I am going to help my dad fire the kiln, which by my understanding involves my sitting around reading a book, and occaisionally throwing some wood into the fire box. Maybe I can finish a book! I should also try to finish that letter to the paper... but because you know... It won't get into THIS week's paper... I have to wait until next monday ANYWAY...

I am going to be lazy and procrastinate until my mistakes are unrepairable.

It is Tuesday today. That means that there is the possibility for phone banking. Hope hope hope. If not, I'll just keep firing the kiln.

Holli texted me this morning, and we made plans to go visit Betty. I haven't ever visited her, and I think that I really should before I leave for college. She'd be proud of me.

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